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Volunteer Waiver, Policies and Safety Rules

Exención de Responsabilidad Para Voluntarios en Español

Last Updated: 10/23/23

By accepting these terms and conditions, I, the Volunteer (or the Volunteer’s legal guardian, on the Volunteer’s behalf), agree to the following:

1. Policies and Safety Rules. For my safety and that of others, I will comply with the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano’s (the “Food Bank”) volunteer policies and safety rules and other directions for all volunteer activities. These include, but are not limited to, any policies and rules included here and information provided at the start of my volunteer shift by the shift manager.

2. Awareness and Assumption of Risk. I understand that my volunteer activities at, or associated with, the Food Bank have inherent risks that may arise from the Food Bank’s operations, my own actions or inactions, or the actions or inactions of the Food Bank, its directors, officers, employees and agents (collectively, the “Released Parties”), other volunteers, and others present at the Food Bank. These risks may include but are not limited to, working around vehicles, lifting objects, and performing repetitive tasks. I assume full responsibility for any risks of bodily injury, death or property damage caused by or arising directly or indirectly from my presence or participation at the Food Bank, regardless of the cause.

3. Waiver and Release of Claims. I waive and release any claims against the Released Parties for any liability, loss, damages, claims, expenses and attorneys’ fees (collectively, “Liabilities”) resulting from death, or injury to my person or property, caused by or arising directly or indirectly from my presence at the Food Bank, or participation in activities on behalf of the Food Bank, regardless of the cause and even if caused by negligence, whether passive or active. I agree not to sue any of the Released Parties on the basis of these waived and released claims. I waive the protections of Section 1542 of the California Civil Code, which provides that a general release does not extend to certain claims not known to me when I signed this waiver and release. I understand that the Food Bank would not permit me to volunteer without my agreeing to these waivers and releases.

4. Medical Care Consent and Waiver. I authorize the Food Bank to provide me with first aid and, through medical personnel of its choice, medical assistance, transportation, and emergency medical services. This consent does not impose a duty upon the Food Bank to provide such assistance, transportation, or services. In addition, I waive and release any claims against the Released Parties arising out of any first aid, treatment or medical service, including the lack or timing of such, made in connection with my volunteer activities with the Food Bank.

5. Indemnification. I will defend, indemnify, and hold the Released Parties harmless from and against any and all Liabilities, including without limitation, Liabilities arising from any injury, property damage, or death that may be suffered by me or any other person in a relationship with me, which may arise directly or indirectly from my volunteer activities for the Food Bank, except and only to the extent the liability is caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the relevant Released Party.

6. Publicity. I consent to the unrestricted use in any form of any photographs, interviews, film, videotapes, or other visual or auditory recordings, in any other medium, including the Internet, of me that the Released Parties or others may create in connection with my participation in activities at or for Updated 6/22/23 the Food Bank. I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product and acknowledge that I am not entitled to any compensation for the creation or use of the finished product.

7. Confidentiality. As a volunteer, I may have access to sensitive or confidential information. This information includes but is not limited to identity, address, contact information, credit card numbers, disability status, and financial information of Food Bank clients, volunteers, donors, and staff. At all times during and after my participation, I agree to hold in confidence and not disclose or use any such confidential information except as required in my Food Bank volunteer activities or as expressly authorized in writing by the Food Bank’s President & CEO.

8. Volunteer Not an Employee. I understand that (i) I am not an employee of the Food Bank, (ii) that I will not be paid for my participation, and (iii) I am not covered by or eligible for any insurance, health care, worker’s compensation, or other benefits. I may choose at any time not to participate in an activity or stop my participation entirely with the Food Bank.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Vision Statement: The Food Bank is committed to continuously fostering a culture of inclusion among our employees, volunteers, and community that promotes diverse perspectives, lived experiences, and equitable access and opportunities essential to achieving our mission of leading the fight to end hunger.

The Food Bank is committed to treating every volunteer with dignity, compassion, and respect. As a Food Bank volunteer, you must be are aware of and comply with the following volunteer policies and safety rules, unless instructed by your supervisor.


  1. Volunteers must register and schedule their shifts through the online volunteer portal, unless they are on a regular weekly schedule approved by Volunteer Services.
  2. Volunteers must sign in. This process is critical for emergency accountability, as well as for proof of hours worked for court-ordered community service volunteers.
  3. Volunteers must wear appropriate clothing including closed-toe shoes. Inappropriate shorts, high heels, and offensive clothing are not permitted.
  4. Volunteers are not allowed to stay past their shift hours, nor to come in early.
  5. NO WALK-INS ALLOWED. Walk-ins will be dismissed immediately. Hours will not be counted toward community service fulfillment.
  6. Children age 11-15 can only volunteer if accompanied by an adult who is also volunteering.
  7. Children age 5-10 can only volunteer at a Family Food Sort opportunity.
  8. All school groups up to Grade 12 must be scheduled by an adult group contact who is attending the volunteer shift. The adult cannot be another student at the participating school.
  9. All youth groups (K-12) are required to have a minimum of 1 adult volunteer per 8 children.


  1. We rely heavily on our volunteers. It is very important for volunteers to show up on time. If you are ill or need to modify your schedule, you must log in to your volunteer portal account and remove yourself from the shift.
  2. If a volunteer needs to leave early due to illness or emergency, the volunteer must notify their shift manager before leaving and email Volunteer Services at


  1. Volunteers must treat clients, other volunteers, and staff with dignity, compassion, and respect. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. If you witness or experience harassment, please report this to Volunteer Services at or call 855-309-FOOD ext. 605.
  2. Issues with volunteer conduct should be addressed by Food Bank staff, not volunteers
  3. Volunteers who eat or take any Food Bank products without supervisor authorization will be terminated immediately.
  4. Eating and drinking is not allowed in the warehouse or office spaces; instead, please use the volunteer snack area.
  5. Smoking and vaping are not allowed anywhere on the Food Bank premises.
  6. We are a drug- and alcohol-free workplace. Any volunteer who distributes, possesses, or is under the influence of any drug or alcohol, or who smells of alcohol, will be terminated immediately.

Safety Rules:

  1. Volunteers must always be safety conscious. This includes preventing injuries by using proper lifting techniques and asking for help if needed. Volunteers must report any unsafe conditions or practices to their supervisor.
  2. Volunteers must report any injuries immediately to their supervisor.
  3. Volunteers in the warehouse must stay on the yellow safety path at all times, unless instructed by their supervisor.
  4. Volunteers must not operate any machinery or equipment unless authorized by their supervisor.
  5. Volunteers must immediately inform their supervisor if they suffer from fatigue, illness, discomfort due to repetitive tasks, side effects of medication, or any other causes that may affect workplace safety.
  6. Volunteers must not engage in any horseplay, running, or scuffling at the Food Bank.
  7. Volunteers must keep the workspace, restrooms, and snack area clean and orderly. Stack objects and ensure they are placed properly so they do not fall or obstruct aisles, doors, fire exits, or stairs.
  8. Volunteers must wash their hands after eating, smoking, touching their face or hair, or using the restroom.
  9. Volunteers must not use cellular/smart phones, headphones, iPods, MP3 players, or other electronic devices while performing volunteer activities as these devices may impede awareness and alertness.

Food Bank staff reserve the right to terminate the service of any volunteer who violates our policies or whose work and/or conduct is counterproductive to the Food Bank’s Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Mission Statement.

Common Messages