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Community Service at the Food Bank
The Food Bank welcomes volunteers throughout the year who are seeking community service hours for school, scouting, or other educational projects. All volunteers are required to create a Volunteer Portal account before they can sign up for volunteer shifts.
The Food Bank also has a limited number of volunteer opportunities for those seeking to fulfill court-ordered community service. We only accept those wishing to serve court-ordered community service hours for non-violent offenses. Court-ordered community service volunteers are approved on a case-by-case basis as openings permit. In order to request volunteer hours for your court-ordered community service, please read our policy and submit an online request form.
Volunteer Data Privacy Notice
The Food Bank requires volunteers to register for a volunteer account and provide us with contact information for safety reasons, in case of an emergency, and/or in order for the Food Bank to complete any requests for hours verification that come from our volunteers.
We are committed to keeping volunteer information safe. The online system we use is encrypted and access is restricted to only those who need the information to support volunteerism with the Food Bank. No individual or personally identifiable information will be shared with the government or for commercial purposes unless the volunteer requests the Food Bank to verify their volunteer hours for community service or if required by a court of law. Please refer to the Food Bank's full privacy policy.
Questions? Contact us at volunteerhelpdesk@foodbankccs.org.